UnderDogs Into Winners: Jose Correa

A-Game Media
2 min readAug 13, 2020


The A-Game Team and Wonsulting collaborated this past spring on a mini-series, “UnderDogs Into Winners”.

In this mini-series, we highlighted success stories of college students who came from non-target schools who ultimately brought out their A-Game by landing at some of the top tech companies like Cisco, Amazon & Indeed.

Episode 2 was with Jose Correa, a Technical Marketing Engineer at Cisco & Cal Poly Pomona Alumni talks about his journey of developing his confidence when it comes to building relationships with different folks both virtually and in person.

This skill has ultimately propelled Jose, as he is now the Wonsulting Ambassador lead and gives back to college students by hosting various several different workshops.

In addition to the episode, we wanted to provide our audience with a little more spotlight on who Jose is as well as what are some of his interests.

1). What is your favorite book of all time? Why?

My favorite book of all time isn’t necessarily one book, but a series. I really liked the Inheritance Series. Those were some of the first books I’ve ever read and it brought excitement to me reading the action and adventure the books brought to readers like me. They will always have a special place in my memory.

2). Who has been the biggest mentor in your career?

I think I don’t necessarily have one specific mentor. I think every manager I have had is amazing and continually helps me even to this day. I keep in contact with them and ask for advice or just have an occasional chat or meal. They always look out for what is best for me and were the ones who gave me a chance when no one else would.

3). Where do you draw inspiration from?

I draw inspiration from my friends, family, and colleagues. I like to surround myself with motivated and driven individuals who help me be the best me as well as tell me when I need a break to relax and destress.

4). What’s next for Jose?

Currently, I’m working on learning more about cloud technology to work in that field later. I love my job as a Technical Marketing Engineer and hope to keep contributing and helping out my team.

5). Ultimately what brings out your A-Game?

What brings out my A-Game is the people around me and the activities I work on. I work the best on projects and deliverables when I believe in the cause such as helping first-generation students or promoting the awareness of Filipino culture.

To learn more about Jose, tune in to our latest episode on both Spotify & Itunes.

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/48hvN8GHPPq0brthH58YwF

Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/underdogs-into-winners-episode-2-breaking-the-ice/id1493751794?i=1000471616396

