A-Game Media
2 min readJun 8, 2020


Week 1 Blog: Stay True To What You Believe In

Welcome to our first blog of “Dreaming on a Deadline.”

If there is anything that this pandemic has proven is that we all as humans have a deadline to pursue our dreams as tomorrow is not promised. Whether it’s a childhood dream or a profound idea/passion that one discovers throughout life it’s important to leave nothing on the table and do everything possible.

This is the first week of us providing an inside glimpse into some of the challenges that the A-Game Team faced. Ahdi, one of A-Game’s founders has started to hear the external pressures of pursuing graduate school sooner than later. The implications of a decision like that are unknown & TBD, which leaves a huge question mark with where the possible future of A-Game may lie. With that on the table, the A-Game Team has until August 2021 to build steam in order to make our “dreams” a reality.” Challenges & obstacles can either enable or enable certain visions/dreams from becoming a reality. However, as they say, nothing worth having comes easy!

With a profound sense of urgency, we decided to march on with our plans of expansion by providing those who were affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. So we continue to truck along & share via social media our new initiative. Unfortunately, there was an individual who questioned our intention & credibility for providing project opportunities without direction compensation. This was caught us all off guard as we were surprised to see people go out of their way to put out of negative energy and knock someone’s hustle. At this stage of where we are, being able to provide opportunities for individuals to work on projects that will allow them to gain tangible experience is something that we feel is something that is beneficial. It’s events & situations like this, where its important to be able to double down with conviction while pushing forward.

