What’s Next: Jash Kahlon

A-Game Media
3 min readAug 26, 2020


The A-Game Team will be hosting their first Youtube Live this Saturday (8/29) at 12 pm PST on the topic of What’s Your Plan B.

Our first guest speaker on the panel is Jash Kahlon, an Stockon Native who played college basketball at San Francisco State and is now a law student at Golden Gate University.

Prior to Saturday’s event, we wanted to take the chance to shed some spotlight on who Jash is as a person and what initially drew him to sports.

1) When did you first start playing basketball?

I first started playing basketball when I was about 5 years old. I used to just play in the front yard with my dad whenever he was home.

2) What drew you to the game of basketball?

I think watching my dad being so in love with the game is what made me pursue it. It was just always on the TV at my house and my dad used to watch as many games as possible. He also played professionally in India and so it is something he passed down to me. Also, I’ve always loved competitiveness, the passion, the mentality to win. If you ask people that know me now, they will tell you how those qualities are instilled in me.

3) How did you know it was time to hang it up?

I actually didn’t know it was time to hang it up to tell you the truth. I was very passionate about starting law school so I just decided to stop after playing in college. Now that I look back, I regret it. I know for a fact that I had a lot left in the tank. I had offers to play professionally overseas but turned it down because I wanted to start law school so quickly. I wish I would’ve told myself to take the opportunity and then come back to finish school later.

4) How can other hoopers invest in themselves to figure out what’s after sports?

I believe the first thing that should be invested in themselves is mental health. After finishing my career I dealt with major depression and anxiety and I still do to this day even though I have been working toward being better. Athletes should definitely look into careers and things of that sort, but I truly believe taking care of their mental health is the first thing they should do because mental health is a stigma in sports.

5) Ultimately what brings out your A-Game?

Ultimately, I think being doubted is what brings out my A-Game. I love proving people wrong, and when it comes to playing basketball, once someone tells me I can’t do something or I’m not good enough, I make it a point to let them know what I can really do.

To learn more about Jash, tune in to our Youtube Live this upcoming Saturday!!

